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protitle_bg.pngPlastic Tape Stretching line SJ-100/33
    • Plastic Tape Stretching line SJ-100/33

Product Model:SJ-100/33

This kind of series stretching line by absorbing the foreign advanced technolution speed,highology is designed by ourselves that based on Chinese market.Specially designed screw cylinder of extruder is made of qualified steel.It has large capacity,low energy consumption and long service life. The wiredrawing part is section-wised installation,the whole transmission way,rationally transmission and adjusting conveniently. It is convenient to customers to adjust the range of application of the products.It is reasonable in designing slicer shelt.Slicer can be swung so as to extend its consumption life.It also can transversely so as to make full use of valid width of film to reduce edge waste. This set is equipped with automatic materials-feeder,edge fiber and fiber suction device. The whole set has advantages of compact struture,beautiful design,smooth operation,high speed, high capacity and low -pressure polyethylene.

Plastic Tape Stretching line[-SJ-100-33]-D01.jpg

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